Monday, May 28, 2012

A Saving Culture

It's never too early to learn about money and the importance of financial responsibility. Strong financial values now can lead to high dividends later on in life. 

It takes money to pay for the things you want. One way to make sure you always have money is to start saving a part of the money you receive. Whether it's your allowance, or birthday or holiday gift money, saving a piece of what you receive is a great way to make sure that you have money set aside for that extra-special thing you really, really want.

When you put your money into a savings account at the bank, it will be kept in a safe, or vault, to keep it protected from fire, bank robbers and other dangers. It will also be insured, so if anything did happen to it, you will still have your money available. Even better, money in a savings account will earn additional money called interest. One of the ways banks make money is by charging people to borrow money. The money that the bank charges is also called interest. The interest rate is the percentage of the amount of money being borrowed. The money that the bank lends comes out of the savings account people have with the bank (including yours). When banks use your money, they pay interest for the money they are borrowing from you.
The longer you keep your money in a savings account, and the more money you put in, the more interest you will earn.

The best way to succeed at saving is to have a goal. Keep that goal always in your mind and remind yourself of the benefits of accomplishing that goal. Be disciplined, make yourself a promise and stick to it. Successful people do this all the time. Do not eat your future today, adopt a saving culture. And use a Bank..

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