WOmen's Mobile Area Network Communications Unlimited
An effective means of information sharing that existed since the beginning of human existence.
According to some sources, this medium was very instrumental to the Serpent in communicating the benefits of tasting the 'forbidden fruit' to an innocent Adam. Whether it was successful or not, we can all tell today by the clothes we put on.
Taking a critical look at the role ladies play in information sharing according to what is generally believed, it is not negatives all the way... The positives are significant and the proof is how our increased information sharing ability has significantly changed the way people live and relate, the way businesses are run, the way people are lead and how they accept leadership.
The emergence of the social media industry and how it revolutionized our thinking about information sharing generally has been remarkable, billion dollar businesses have emerged from a simple computer program, a couple of Governments have been toppled, organizational models have been reconstructed and the list goes on.
Instant and effective information sharing is the life blood of today's successful establishments. Customer complaint can be reported at a touch of the button, work efficiency and reporting has significantly improved, performance is evaluated faster than ever, people that never seemed to have a voice now have a say, effective information dissemination is cheaper than ever and the world is ultimately a better place.
All thanks to the women who will stop at nothing to make the world a better place and the men that love them.
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