Monday, August 6, 2012

Once Upon a Time..

This reminds me of my younger years. The statement meant I was about to listen to a story. A story of success or that of failure, one with a happy ending or a sad one;  most times, the stories featured the tortise. Above all, I learnt one ultimate lesson. Time eventually sorts everyone out.
It is commonly said here in Africa that 20 children do not play together for 20 years. It is because time automatically creates levels and as some children move up to higher levels some move down of course to lower levels. Something worthy of note about time is that it does not tolerate stagnancy you are either improving or getting worse, amassing wealth or losing it. Time enormously rewards those who use it judiciously and punishes those that waste it.

I lost my grand mum a day into the New Year, 30th December 2008. It was quite a heavy loss to me. She was aged 89 and had seen a lot in those fruitful years even though she spent the last decade of her life in blindness. She helped me understand a vital lesson about life; 'Wasted time can never be regained and what we call “time enough” often proves “little enough”'- unknown.
She never saw her blindness as a disadvantage or an opportunity to just sit in some room and idle away. She made good use of every minute. Being a teacher in her earlier years she taught we her grand children to be the best in whatever we do and to make the best use of time and never to waste time wishing our condition were better but to make the best of everything and every time we had.
She fostered unity of purpose and instilled Godly virtues in her children, she  was also an inspiration to those without the family and a provider to not a few families.

Do you love life, do not waste time, for that is the stuff life is made of and in using time, never confuse being busy with productivity as many have wasted their productive years by “being busy” doing the wrong and unnecessary things that do not count.
How much more than necessary do you spend in sleep, forgetting that “The sleeping fox catches no poultry and the sleeping Jonah is unaware of the damage he causes everyone on the boat?” Failing to realize that there would be enough of sleep in the grave - unknown.

Wake up and maximize your time, once upon a time Bill Gates envisioned Microsoft, Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook, Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed Google. Today these discoveries are an essential part of our everyday lives.

All I can say now is that once upon a time, the world’s greatest grand mum walked the face of planet earth.

Today presents you with another “once upon a time” opportunity and its left for you to decide what people read and say about you tomorrow.

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